A popular seminar, The Digital Age: How Dynamic Signage Can Enhance Your Business, was presented by Teresa M. Young of LobbyPOP on Friday, June 13th, in Indianapolis at the NBM Show, and was sponsored by SAi. This 90-minute program was taped, and now appears on YouTube in its entirety, to help guide those who want to move into dynamic signage.

This class provides a first-hand, real-world review of how sign shops offer dynamic signage to their clients, how to fulfill, and more. The topics included: Is dynamic signage (DS) something you should offer? Learn how and why this exploding market is rapidly becoming the domain of the “traditional” sign shop; Learn ways to win with DS; Learn types and uses of digital signage, how these systems work, ways to offer content. For attendees, this was tailored to introduce those new to DS how to proceed, and what steps to take next!

Included was a bonus handout: A concise Needs Analysis form created by Sign Biz Inc. to aid in the initial consultation with clients and prospects. This course received the highest rating of the series presented at NBM.

I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’ ~ Muhammad Ali

Those in attendance were digital sign shops, for the most part, and few had any experience in dynamic signs. Nearly every follow-up question referenced costing and mark-ups for selling this type of product, which Young addressed on an individual basis by phone later. See the entire seminar (two 45-minute segments) for free, on the LobbyPOP YouTube channel, here:
